The idea of implementing an estate plan might be one of the scariest things you have to confront as an adult. But estate planning does not have to make chills run down your spine.
Retirement Planning for Business Owners
For many employees, saving for retirement is usually a matter of merely participating in their employer’s 401(k) plan and perhaps opening an IRA for some extra savings.
Helping Entrepreneurs Protect What They’ve Built
Successful entrepreneurs are great at turning their visions into vibrant, thriving businesses. They’re good at many things – but estate planning often isn’t one of them.
Before Your Kids Go Off To College
This is graduation time. This is a time of celebrating your children going to college. Here are things you should do first.
Leaving a Home to Heirs While Still Alive
Estate planning is growing as the baby boomers head towards retirement. The most frequent question is how to deal with their homes for their heirs.
How to Settle An Estate in Pennsylvania
Estate Administration can be complex, but it does not have to be. Here is a general overview of the estate administration process.
8 Signs Your Estate Plan May be Out of Date
Estate Plans, like computer programs, can become outdated. Learn what the eight signs are that can reveal if your Estate Plan is out of date.
Value of Prince’s Estate Grows as Probate Looms
Just like David Bowie’s death taught us earlier this year, the unexpected demise of Prince provides a strong lesson in the importance of proper estate planning. (or the dangers of a lack of proper planning).
How to Avoid Probate Costs
The bad news: probated estates are subject to a variety of costs from attorneys, executors, appraisers, accountants, courts, and state law. Depending on the probate’s complexity, and the size of the estate, fees can run into the tens of thousands of dollars.
Is There an Income Tax Time Bomb Lurking in Your Estate Plan?
As the federal estate tax exemption has ballooned from $1.5 million ten years ago to $5.43 million today, the need for estate tax planning by families has drastically decreased.
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About Cherewka Law
We are a law firm in Harrisburg, PA dedicated to providing comprehensive, highly personalized planning services to individuals, couples, families and businesses.
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