Five years ago, cryptocurrency was probably not on your radar. Today, it may be an important investment in your portfolio. You could even own some...
Planning for Your Digital Legacy
An estate plan often focuses on tangible property such as jewelry, artwork, money, and vehicles. However, in this age of technology, it is important...
What Does a “Fiduciary” Do?
There may be a situation in which you are asked to act as power of attorney for a family member or friend. Your person may be planning for when they might become unable to take care of their affairs.
The Process of Preparing a Living Will
In the event of an accident or illness that prevents you from making medical decisions, an advance health care directive outlines how you want medical professionals to act. A living will is crucial for all adults because accidents or a sudden onset of severe or terminal illness can happen anytime, rendering you unable to make medical choices.
Advance Directives: What Do They Entail?
The tears were streaming down Kevin’s face as he stands at the door of Winnie’s nursing home room. The medical staff just finished inserting a feeding tube into Winnie – an act Kevin knew she didn’t want.
The Five Most Important Legal Documents
All Americans who wish to protect their families and themselves must have an estate plan. Making sound decisions regarding finances and healthcare can become challenging as you age due to diminished mental capacity or declining health.
Conservatorships Are Avoided With Durable Powers of Attorney
Legal guardianship over an adult is known as a conservatorship. Decisions and actions can be made on behalf of another (or several people). The conservator is the person(s) with the power to make decisions, and the conservatee is the adult who needs help with their financial, health care, living arrangements, and daily affairs due to old age, physical or mental limitations. Some conservatorships are broader than others. For example, some conservators may only have authority over financial decisions, not medical ones.
Understanding Revocable Trusts
This was a question we received from a client: A revocable trust created by my brother left money to my children – but they could only use that money if they went to Tanzania to see elephants. Why can’t my kids put that money toward something they could use, like paying off their mortgages? The trustee says she has no choice, and she has to follow my brother’s instructions.
An Analysis of Elder Law and Estate Planning
Estate planning and elder law serve different functions, but both are equally vital to protecting yourself and your family.
The Greatest Wealth Transfer in US History
History has never seen a financial situation quite like this before. Baby boomers preparing to pass on their legacies through estate plans put America at the brink of the largest ever transfer of wealth.
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About Cherewka Law
We are a law firm in Harrisburg, PA dedicated to providing comprehensive, highly personalized planning services to individuals, couples, families and businesses.
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