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How to Get a Business License in PA

How to Get a Business License in PA

“How to a apply for a business license in Pennsylvania.”  This is a common question for entrepreneurs in PA.  The surprising answer is that there is no general business licenses that every business must apply in Pennsylvania.  Many states require that all businesses register annually (e.g. Nevada, New York, or Michigan).  This is not the case in Pennsylvania.

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Five Types of Risk Businesses Face

Five Types of Risk Businesses Face

Pursuing a business venture naturally involves risk. Eliminating all risk is not an option—there are many factors beyond your control, and it is impossible to prevent every circumstance that might deviate from your plans. Nevertheless, you can decrease the degree of risk to which your business is exposed by identifying risks and taking proactive steps to mitigate them. The following five types of risk are the most common risks businesses face.

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What Taxes Are Due When Someone Dies?

What Taxes Are Due When Someone Dies?

When an individual dies, there are four taxing systems that come into play:  the Pennsylvania Inheritance Tax; the Federal Estate Tax; the Decedent’s final income tax returns (Pennsylvania and Federal and local earned income tax); and the income tax returns for the Estate (Pennsylvania and Federal).

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What Is A Gun Trust and Why Should You Have One?

What Is A Gun Trust and Why Should You Have One?

If you’re gun owner, you’ve likely heard the term “gun trust,” but you may not understand what a gun trust is, how it works or how it can be of use in an estate plan. A gun trust is the generic that can describe many types of revocable or irrevocable management trusts that are created to take title to firearms. Revocable trusts are more common and often preferred, as they can be amended and changed during the lifetime of the grantor.

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Parent’s Estate: Probate Without a Lawyer

Parent’s Estate: Probate Without a Lawyer

Often a child or family member of an individual who has recently passed away will consider tackling the estate administration process without hiring an estate attorney. Whether it is the cost of retaining counsel, or the “do-it-yourself” personality, some individuals believe that hiring a lawyer is an unnecessary expense which can easily be avoided. The truth is that there is no legal requirement to hire a lawyer, and there are many individuals who have successfully navigated the probate process without counsel. All too often, however, an executor will find themselves stuck, or worse yet, trying to correct a mistake that could leave them personally financially liable.

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Are Holographic Wills Enforceable?

Are Holographic Wills Enforceable?

Princess Diana Thought So… Princess Diana of Wales was one of the world’s most loved celebrities – and one of the richest. Her tragic death in 1997 was world news. The majority of her estate, reportedly worth $40 million at the time of her death, was divided between Prince William and Prince Harry in her estate plan.

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