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Top 10 Mistakes in Buy/Sell Agreements

The buy-sell agreement arguably is the most important legal agreement for closely-held entities. The items listed below are common errors we see in these agreements, or items often not addressed.

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Guide to Being an Executor of An Estate

The administration and distribution of estate assets following the death of an individual will vary time and cost-wise depending on the structure of the estate (e.g. size, nature of assets, circumstances of the heirs, and whether estate is in trust or probate form, etc.) with the form of the estate (trust or probate) being the most substantial of the factors.

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The Pennsylvania Inheritance Tax

Inheritance Tax is imposed on the value of a decedent’s estate transferred to beneficiaries by will or intestacy. It is calculated at a percentage of the value of the assets transferred, which is determined by the relationship of the heir to the decedent and the decedent’s date of death.

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Buying a Home

Buying a home is one of the biggest – if not THE biggest – expenditure you will make.  This outline summarizes for prospective home buyers the more important legal and non-legal considerations they may face when purchasing a home.

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We are a law firm in Harrisburg, PA dedicated to providing comprehensive, highly personalized planning services to individuals, couples, families and businesses.

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