When we first told you about the 3.8% Net Investment Income (NII) tax back in 2010, we noted areas of uncertainty. Recently, the Treasury Department and the IRS released proposed regulations that help clarify many issues.
2013 Tax Law Changes-What You Need To Know
On January 2, 2013, the President signed into law the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012. In addition, there are laws that created provisions that came into play in 2013. The major provisions are summarized below.
What You Should Know About Successor Trustees
If you or a loved one is experiencing a significant period of disability, chances are you have heard the term “successor trustee.” If you are not yet in a position to have heard this term, it’s important to understand it before you need to.
Developing a Planned Giving Strategy
Planned giving strategies are critical in order to ensure the money and gifts you’d like to be given in the future are carried out in the way you planned. This is where a planned giving strategy comes into play.
Video: Tax Planning for Farmers
In 2012, Pennsylvania made many tax changes for those involved in the agricultural industry. Attorney Michael Cherewka discusses planning for farmers.
Exit Planning: Know Your Goals
Before any conversations occur with an exit planning attorney, before you can make any big decisions, it’s important to have a detailed understanding of your goals for yourself and your business.
PA Transfer Tax Exemptions: Family Farms Relief
On July 2, 2012 Governor Tom Corbett signed Act 85 into law, which contained two major items of good news for Pennsylvania family farms.
New Video: Phantom Stock Plans
Have you heard of Phantom Stock plans? Have you been offered one? There is information you should be aware of. Attorney Michael Cherewka discusses the subject in detail.
New Video: Exit Strategies
Running a solid business means having a solid exit strategy. Attorney Michael Cherewka discusses ways to pass on your legacy by creating a strong exit strategy.
New Video: Estate Tax Updates
Frustrated with Estate Tax changes following the Fiscal Cliff?
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About Cherewka Law
We are a law firm in Harrisburg, PA dedicated to providing comprehensive, highly personalized planning services to individuals, couples, families and businesses.
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